4705 Bernie Pl, Raleigh, NC 27616

Single Family / 3 Bedroom(s) / 2 Bath(s)

Property Status:  Sold | $425,000.00

Property Photos
4705 Bernie Pl (Image - 1)

Brick Rancher in Northeast Raleigh!

Property Status:
This Property is currently...
  • Status:  Sold | $425,000.00
Property Details:
Single Family / 3 BR / 2 BA
Property Style:
Year Built:
Finished Sq Ft:
No Basement
Owner / Agent:
Individual Owner
Property Features:
No Property Features Listed.
Contact Info
Property Description:

Home has been kept in great shape and has a ton of untapped potential. Go all out on the rehab to match the comp for 705k on Dean Ave and you've got a winner on your hands. Primed to be list ready for the start of the summer market.

Contact me for showing information!

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